
Friday, July 29, 2016

Summer Sort of Love

their summer sort of love is crazy pool parties & sandy beach sex,
motorcycle kisses and hot red lipstick.
it's midnight passion mixed with LA adrenaline
and messy lovemaking in the closet at a party.

but that is not our summer sort of love.

our summer sort of love is picnics in your yard as it’s bathed in smoky streaks of gold from a setting sun.

our summer sort of love is cuddling on my couch and sipping tea as the hot july rains fall outside.

our summer sort is falling lazily asleep next to each other in the park. we don’t try to be romantic by pointing out clouds in the shape of hearts - we just cuddle and try to be us.

for isn't that the best summer sort of love?

xo evelyn


  1. This is absolutely beautiful. I love that phrase - "summer sort of love." You picked your words perfectly throughout this whole thing! Totally my summer sort of love, that second one. :)

    Thanks so much for dropping by my blog earlier, by the way! I've added your button as requested, and have returned your follow. Keep up this amazing writing.

    Edge of Night





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